Reload remains a popular mode in Fortnite thanks to its fast-paced action and revival mechanics. Here is the Reload weapon pool so players can try to create the perfect loadout.
Reload came out earlier this year, instantly stealing players from the traditional battle royale. When a player is eliminated, there’s a countdown until they are automatically revived. They’ll be revived as long as a teammate is alive. Perhaps the most enticing part, the countdown speeds up by a few seconds every time a teammate gets an elimination, encouraging players to be more aggressive and take down enemies.
Another popular aspect of Reload is the weapon pool. A lot of OG weapons are available, giving players a chance to use weapons that were retired in the regular battle royale mode.
All weapons in Fortnite Reload loot pool
The weapons loot pool in Fortnite Reload changes constantly whenever there’s an update. Like Fortnite’s battle royale, weapons can be vaulted and unvaulted. Non-Mythic weapons also have rarity levels, with the higher rarities doing more damage. Here is the current loot pool.
- Ocean’s Bottomless Chug Jug (Mythic) – Heal infinitely
- Midas’ Drum Gun (Mythic) – Super fast-firing assault rifle
- Skye’s Assault Rifle (Mythic) – Hard-hitting rifle from any range
- Jule’s Glider Gun (Mythic) – Mobility-focused weapon
- Gunnar’s Stinger SMG (Mythic) – Super fast SMG that’s hard to aim
- Foundation’s MK-Seven AR (Mythic) – Very consistent and balanced rifle
- Slone’s Burst AR (Mythic) – Super accurate and packs a punch
- Mythic Goldfish (Mythic) – Throwable that instantly KO’s enemies
- Breacher Shotgun (Exotic) – Shotgun used to break down buildings
- Accelerant Shotgun (Exotic) – Increases movement speed and fire rate after every hit
- Explosive AR (Exotic) – A rifle with explosive projectiles
- Blink Mag SMG (Exotic) – Double jump after each reload for increased mobility
- Run N’ Gun SMG (Exotic) – Run super fast while automatically reloading
- Grappler (Epic) – Utility item for scaling buildings
- Tactical Shotgun – Old and reliable, balanced
- Auto Shotgun – Fast-firing and deadly at close range
- Thunder Pump Shotgun – Great headshot damage
- Pump Shotgun – Slow and poweful
- Prime Shotgun – Hitscan weapon that is more accurate when crouched
- Ranger Shotgun – Break shields with its single shot
- Assault Rifle – Classic AR with balanced specs
- Double Barrel Shotgun – Popular and powerful
- Hammer AR – Faster fire rate rifle
- Burst Action Rifle – Accurate and strong, but slow
- Twin Mag SMG – Fast reload and great at short range
- Tactical SMG – Good ADS accuracy for short range
- Submachine Gun – Reliable and balanced
- Lever Action Rifle – Fast fire rate for a sniper
- Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle – Super powerful and accurate
- Hunting Rifle – No scope Bolt-Action
- Pistol – Automatic weapon with good specs for mid-range
- Revolver – Powerful but slow
- Mammoth Pistol – Single shot pistol that packs a punch
- Sideways Rifle – Fast-firing, fully automatic
- Wood Stake Shotgun – Hit-scan stake that’s precise
- Pumpkin Launcher – Seasonal version of Rocket Launcher, dealing splash damage
- Sideways Scythe – Heals players who eliminate enemies
- Stark Industries Energy Rifle
– Fast-firing and great for mid-range
- Infantry Rifle – Perfect accuracy when aiming but faster without
- Combat SMG – Tight spread but hard-to-control recoil
- Combat Pistol – Okay weapon that gamers don’t like
- Shield Keg – Restores shields of everyone in radius

Keep in mind that the Reload loot pool changes with almost every update. The most recent update was October 11, 2024 with update v31.40.
- Sideways Rifle
- Wood Stake Shotgun
- Sideways Minigun
- Pumpkin Launcher
- Sideways Scythe
- Rocket Launcher
- Witch Broom